Keeping The Winter Pests AwayKeeping the Winter Pests Away

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Keeping The Winter Pests Away

Nobody really enjoys being cold, and pests are no exception. Have you ever noticed that when the temperature plummets you seem to find more insects and signs of rodents inside your home? I have recently made it my mission to pest-proof my home before winter arrives, and I decided to record my different pest eradication methods in this blog. From using pest control services to advice on how to block up mice entry points, my blog posts will give you ideas on how you can keep the pesky creatures out of your home when it starts to get cold outside. The more you prepare now, the less pest evidence you'll see next winter.



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Crucial Details to Discuss With a Pest Control Expert During Spider Extermination

It is normal to stump on a spider when you spot one in your home. Although spiders feed on mosquitoes, flies and other bugs, their presence is not always welcome. It is mainly the case if the population of spiders grows to unprecedented levels. Fortunately, pest control services can help with spider extermination. That said, it is crucial to discuss specific issues with a pest control expert during an extermination exercise. This article explores crucial details to discuss with a pest control technician during spider extermination.

Type of Spiders

If you have a spider infestation in your home, you will notice that the insects look different. There are different types of spider species in Australia, and while some are considered domestic species, others are primarily found in the wild. The black widow is an example of a poisonous spider that lives in the wild. However, it does not mean that poisonous spiders cannot be found inside homes. Under the right conditions, the arachnids can thrive and put your household in danger. Therefore, an exterminator must tell you the different types of spiders they find in your home. The information will help you protect your home against dangerous spider species in the future.


Spider exterminators know a lot about the insects, including their favourable breeding and living conditions. Most people think that the webs they see in their homes host all spiders. However, it is not true because spiders make webs to trap prey. They mostly live inside cracks, holes in the walls, attics, storage boxes, eaves and less-disturbed cabinets. Ideally, any dark and moist spots are ideal for spiders to breed. Since houses are unique, an exterminator must tell you where to find spiders.

Spotting and Identifying Spider Eggs

The presence of a few spiders inside your home is not a problem for you or an exterminator. However, it is an entirely different case if there are numerous egg sacs around the house. The reason is that an egg sac can contain up to 600 eggs, which means a whole generation of spiders once they hatch. Unfortunately, most homeowners do not know how to identify spider egg sacs. Therefore, you should discuss the issue with a service provider during an extermination exercise. They should explain why the spiders in your home chose specific spots to lay their eggs. The information will help you inspect the specific places regularly for signs of spider eggs.